Who should register for VAT?

Any person that carries on a business may register for VAT. The term person is not only limited to companies but also includes, amongst others, individuals, partnerships, trust funds, foreign donor funded projects and municipalities. In order to register, an application form must be completed and a specific process must be followed.

It is mandatory for a person to register for VAT if the taxable supplies made or to be made is, in excess of R1 million in any consecutive twelve month period.
A person may also choose to register voluntarily if the taxable supplies made, in the past period of twelve months, exceeded R50 000. As from the 1st of March 2012, qualifying micro businesses that are registered for Turnover Tax may also choose to register for VAT provided that all the conditions for voluntarily registration for VAT are met.
A person who is obliged to register for VAT is referred to as a vendor.

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